Child Support

There are a myriad of challenges that accompany the divorce process, amplified when children are involved. In addition to asset division, custody (the allocation of parental responsibilities) becomes a crucial and often contentious issue. With custody comes the financial aspect of child support. Child support aims to ensure that a child's basic needs are met and enables them to experience the lifestyle enjoyed by both parents.

If you’re going through a divorce and are soon going to be a “single” parent, it’s likely child support has become a pressing concern. Parenting with a partner you don’t get along with isn’t easy, but doing it on your own can be even more challenging. Despite both parents having a legal obligation to provide financial support to their child, you might be dealing with a co-parent who refuses to pay their portion of child support or are experiencing other obstacles in ensuring your child's needs are met.

We understand that trying to obtain child support can be difficult, especially if you aren’t on great terms with your child’s other parent. The good news is, New Leaf Family is here to help you get the support you’re legally entitled to. We empower you with the guidance and education you need to make informed, effective decisions! Call now to schedule a free initial case evaluation and discover your next steps.

How Is Child Support Calculated In Colorado?

The Colorado Child Support Guidelines use a formula based on what two parents would have spent on their child had they not separated. The following factors are typically taken into consideration when child support is calculated:

  • Gross income (before taxes) of both parents
  • The child’s income (if any)
  • Number of overnights the child spends with each parent
  • Expenses, including health insurance and daycare

In addition, child support orders take into account financial support for children the parent may have with another partner, as well as any alimony that may be due or received.

How Can I Get My Co-Parent To Follow Our Child Support Agreement?

If your co-parent’s child support payments are late, or have halted altogether, our child support attorneys can employ legal strategies to encourage your co-parent to follow the court-ordered child support agreement, including mediation or enforcement if they’re not compliant.

Can Child Support Be Modified?

In Colorado, child support can be modified if there is proof of a “substantial and continuing” change in circumstances. Section 14-10-115 of Colorado Revised Statutes Title 14 states that the filing of a motion for modification of the child support order, which results in less than a 10% change in the amount of support due per month, shall be deemed insubstantial.

How New Leaf Family Can Help You

At New Leaf Family, we are dedicated to ensuring that your child receives the financial support they deserve. We understand that their well-being depends on various factors, including financial stability. While we prefer to prioritize peaceful resolutions for their sake, we know there are circumstances where you need a fierce advocate in your corner. We will do what is necessary to ensure that your child's needs are met.

At some point, you may find yourself in need of assistance with modifying your child support arrangement. Whether it's due to changes in income, living arrangements, or other factors, we can help you navigate the steps of child support modification.

Your child is the most important person in your life, and ensuring their well-being includes securing the financial support they need. If you’re struggling to make ends meet, contact New Leaf Family today to schedule a free initial case evaluation where we can explain our process, discuss your unique situation, and determine the best course of action for ensuring you get the child support you’re entitled to.

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