Fort Collins Custody Lawyers

Creating a custody arrangement is often one of the most difficult aspects of getting divorced because it affects more than just yourself and your spouse. It also affects the most important people in your life: your children. It can be challenging to see past all of the emotions that divorce matters stir up in order to make the best decisions for your children, but it’s necessary!

That’s where our Fort Collins custody lawyers come in. At New Leaf Family, we understand how delicate divorce and custody matters are, and we handle them accordingly. We strive to minimize the impact of these family law matters on your children’s day-to-day lives. If you need help creating a custody arrangement, call New Leaf Family today to schedule a free initial case evaluation.

How Our Fort Collins Custody Lawyers Can Help You

Many custody lawyers have their sights set on “winning” a custody battle, when in reality, if one person is winning, your children are the ones who lose. Our Fort Collins custody lawyers aren’t looking for triumph; they’re looking to help you reach the ideal outcome for your family’s sake. We prioritize your family’s needs and goals, and we care about the journey just as much as the final destination.

We have a strong understanding of Colorado’s custody laws and we’ll ensure that you do, too. In addition to explaining your legal options and advocating for your parental rights, we can also gather and organize important documentation, make arrangements for child support, and help you work towards amicable resolutions.

If you and your co-parent don’t see eye-to-eye for whatever reason and mediation or collaboration aren’t possible, we can advocate for your and your children’s best interests.

What To Expect With New Leaf Family

At New Leaf Family, our main goal is to empower you to make decisions that will result in your ideal life for you and your family. Custody isn’t just a legal process. it’s a deeply personal family matter, which is what changes our approach to your resolution and sets us apart from other law firms.

We don’t work with cases, we work with clients! You can expect a personal and holistic relationship with us in which we get to know you and your family’s situation, and your financial limits. We help you envision your life post-divorce and custody matters so that you can have full clarity on what it is you really want! What you want then affects what we do to get you there.

At the end of your case, we don’t leave you hanging once the last document is signed. We’re here for whatever else you might need now or later, like if you need to make modifications to your custody arrangement.

Additionally, we have a wide variety of connections that can assist you in other areas of your life, like counselors, realtors, financial advisors, auto mechanics, and more.

New Leaf Family Helps You Focus On The Outcome

If you’re considering divorce and have children, we can help you create a custody arrangement while keeping their best interests at the forefront of our strategy. Our Fort Collins custody lawyers are ready to help you close this chapter of your life so that you can begin a new, better one for your family. Remember, divorce is difficult for you, but it’s just as hard, if not more so, for your children. Allow us to help minimize the stress and chaos for you, so that you can focus on what really matters: your kids. Call New Leaf Family now to schedule a free initial case evaluation and take the next steps!

Our Recent Custody Blogs

Journey To A Fresh Start: How To Help Your Kids Transition Following Divorce

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10 Tips For Successful Co-Parenting In Colorado

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5 Things You Need To Know About Custody In Colorado

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How To Decide Which Custody Arrangement Is Best for Your Family

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Splitting The Baby In Half: How To Handle Parental Alienation

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Your “Day In Court” – It’s Not What You Think

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What’s A “Family”?

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How To Decide Which Custody Arrangement Is Best for Your Family

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