Castle Rock, CO

Castle Rock Custody Lawyers

It isn’t uncommon for issues pertaining to a couple’s children to be the barrier that stands between them and a fully resolved divorce agreement. If you’re currently going through divorce in Castle Rock, Colorado, or considering filing, we know how incredibly emotional it can be to decide how much time each parent will spend with the kids and come to terms with the idea that they will no longer be in your care full-time.

Our Castle Rock custody lawyers have an approach to child custody matters that is unique from other family law firms, which starts with a deep understanding of the fact that parenting plans, custody matters, and visitation rights are not just legal issues. The way you and your spouse resolve these matters will have a major impact on each of your lives, as well as the lives of your children.

This is why our priority is to always empower you to make the right decisions for your children and your family. While we can help you understand your options and clarify your goals, no one can make the best choices for your family’s future but you. We take other details - like your living situation and financial support - into account while we work to make your vision a reality.

If you’re ready to build a future for your family based on growth, take the first step today by calling to schedule your free initial case evaluation!

Colorado Custody At A Glance

Colorado family courts generally believe that it is in the best interests of children to have both parents play an active role in their lives. Unfortunately, though, there are some unique circumstances that could make this challenging, such as if one parent has a history of domestic violence, substance abuse, or neglect.

There are two types of custody in Colorado: physical custody (sometimes referred to as parenting time) and legal custody (sometimes referred to as decision-making). Parenting time determines who the children will live with the majority of the time and how often they will see the other parent, while decision-making determines how parents will share the authority and responsibility of making choices that impact their kids’ upbringing, such as their education, medical care, religious practices, and more.

Our experienced Castle Rock custody lawyers can help you create a document called a parenting plan which outlines how parenting time will be split, as well as decision-making, and other relevant factors pertaining to your kids, such as a holiday schedule, methods of communication for both the parents and children, how extra expenses will be determine, and more.

Parenting plans are most effective when they are customized to each individual family’s needs and goals. If you and your spouse can collaborate on building your plan, you can work together to reach mutually-beneficial solutions and then submit it to the court, where it will likely be approved. However, if you are not able to reach an agreement, a judge who doesn’t know you or your family will be the one to make the final decision.

Our Castle Rock Custody Lawyers Empower Your Family To Face The Future With Confidence

In the midst of determining how you will divide your assets, debts, and property, worrying about the future of your relationship with your children can be particularly overwhelming, but you don’t have to do this alone. Our Castle Rock custody lawyers are here to help you craft a legal strategy that puts you in the best position to achieve your goals.

You can trust our legal team to take time to get to know you, so we have a clear picture of the life you are trying to build. We don’t simply take on “cases,” we work with clients - real people facing real problems. That means we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all formula, especially for something as meaningful as your kids. We are committed to searching for lasting solutions that prioritize the best interests of your family.

New Leaf Family Can Help You Understand All Of Your Options. Book A Free Initial Case Evaluation Today!

You can rely on our team to stand up for you and your kids without stirring up additional and unnecessary conflict. We don’t drag cases out just so we can charge you more - in fact, we pride ourselves on our affordable pricing plans with fixed rates so that you never have to worry about financial surprises popping up. Call today to book your free initial case evaluation and learn more about how working with our Castle Rock custody lawyers can give you an advantage!

Our Recent Custody Blogs

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5 Things You Need To Know About Custody In Colorado

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How To Decide Which Custody Arrangement Is Best for Your Family

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Splitting The Baby In Half: How To Handle Parental Alienation

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Your “Day In Court” – It’s Not What You Think

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What’s A “Family”?

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