Louisville, CO

Louisville Custody Lawyers

Louisville, Colorado, is a great place for couples to raise a family. It’s a safe area with excellent schools for kids, but it’s also home to families who are experiencing divorce and need a custody arrangement for their kids. If you live in or around Louisville and you’re considering your options for divorce, it’s crucial to work with one of our seasoned Louisville custody attorneys. We can protect your parental rights and advocate for an arrangement that prioritizes your children’s best interests. Call New Leaf Family today to schedule a free initial case evaluation and learn about your options.

What Other Colorado Custody Firms Do

Dividing up marital assets and debts is a complicated aspect of divorce; deciding how to share time with your children is a completely different ball game. Even if you and your spouse are on amicable terms, matters relating to your children’s future might affect you in a way that handling bank accounts and property didn’t.

While most custody lawyers don’t have ill intent, they take advantage of the chaos that is custody. They make you feel like they want what’s best for you, they create a plan, and then they ask you to spend thousands for them to make that plan a reality. They’ll even go as far as making matters more contentious because this typically leads to high-conflict litigation, which means more money for them.

This isn’t good for your budget or for your family relationships. Lawyers who don’t spend time to understand your goals and needs can end up causing you more harm than good.

What Our Louisville Custody Lawyers Do

At New Leaf Family, your goals are our goals. Everything we do revolves around helping you achieve the best outcome for your family. We take our time getting to know your family and address any questions or concerns you may have. We want to empower you to make the right moves for your family while simultaneously keeping the decision-making power in your hands.

We will help you remain level-headed and ensure that you’re informed about how the decisions you make will affect your children’s future now and for years to come. With years of experience handling child custody cases in Colorado, our Louisville custody lawyers understand that custody goes far deeper than being a legal issue. Your children are the most important people in your lives; we know that! That’s why we…

  • Form A Long-Term Relationship With You

Because we don’t view you as just another case file in our briefcase, we want to form a long-term relationship with you (and your family) so that you are comfortable coming back to us at any time. In a custody situation, circumstances in your, your co-parent’s, or your children’s life are bound to change. When they do, we can help you make modifications to your original arrangement. We also offer other services beyond legal representation, including coaching, seminars, access to a network of realtors and financial advisors, auto mechanics, and more. Use us as a resource, both now and later.

  • Don’t Chase Conflict, But Fight When Necessary

We prefer to prioritize amicable solutions rather than making matters more contentious than necessary because it’s better for you and your children. Working collaboratively with your co-parent to set the terms of your custody arrangement allows the two of you to have the final say-so in your children’s future. However, there are instances where collaboration is inappropriate or impossible. In those cases, we are willing to fight for your rights in court.

  • Offer Predictable Monthly Fees

Becoming a single parent can be expensive, we know! While our legal services aren’t necessarily “cheap,” so we can provide the level of service we aspire to, we prioritize maintaining that level of excellent service for each of our clients and making things easier on clients’ budgets by using predictable monthly fees. We don’t bill by the hour, and we don’t require any huge upfront fees. You will know from the start how much you will have to pay so that you can have peace of mind.

If you and your spouse have made the difficult decision to divorce and you need to create a custody arrangement, call New Leaf Family today to schedule a free initial case evaluation and discover your next steps.

Our Recent Custody Blogs

Journey To A Fresh Start: How To Help Your Kids Transition Following Divorce

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10 Tips For Successful Co-Parenting In Colorado

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5 Things You Need To Know About Custody In Colorado

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How To Decide Which Custody Arrangement Is Best for Your Family

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Splitting The Baby In Half: How To Handle Parental Alienation

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Your “Day In Court” – It’s Not What You Think

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What’s A “Family”?

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How To Decide Which Custody Arrangement Is Best for Your Family

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