Fort Collins, CO

Fort Collins, Colorado

The city of Fort Collins has so much to offer its residents and visitors. Well-known as the “Craft Beer Capital of Colorado,” Fort Collins is home to over 21 craft breweries. In addition, it boasts gorgeous outdoor scenery, historic homes, museums, galleries, a myriad of food trucks, music venues, and more. (One of Fort Collins' quirkiest features is that there are over 100 pianos that have been painted and scattered across the city for anyone to play!)

In cities like these, it’s hard to be bored! However, even in such a lively and thriving place, sometimes people find themselves needing to make a change in their family relationships.

If you're facing divorce or custody issues, having a reliable family law attorney is crucial. Our Fort Collins family law attorneys are here to provide the guidance and support you need to navigate these complex times, ensuring the best outcome for you and your family so you can continue to thrive and grow. Call New Leaf Family to schedule a free initial case evaluation and discover how we can help.