Louisville, CO

Louisville Divorce Lawyers

No matter what your reasons for divorce are, it’s never an easy thing to go through. However, it can be a simpler, more peaceful process when you have the right attorney on your side. If you know that it’s time for you and your spouse to go your separate ways, our Louisville divorce lawyers are here to help you through the steps of divorce. We can craft a legal strategy tailored specifically to your goals so that you can move forward with confidence. Call now to schedule a free initial case evaluation.

Divorce Can Be Messy. We Can Help You Find Clarity.

When you decide to get divorced, essentially every aspect of your life changes—from your living situation and your finances to your emotional well-being and your future. What was once steady and secure can feel uncertain. It’s understandable to be overwhelmed by the idea of dividing up every aspect of your life and starting over. That’s where we come in. Rather than just telling you what we can do for you, we work hard to understand what it is you want for yourself to begin with. Once you’re confident in your goals, everything we set out to do will revolve around reaching them.

We like to utilize amicable solutions like the process of mediation whenever possible. This is not only better for your mental and emotional well-being but also more cost and time efficient. That being said, we understand that there are circumstances that make it difficult to collaborate with your spouse during divorce proceedings, such as a history of domestic violence or substance abuse. If that’s the case in your situation, or if your spouse is simply uncooperative, we are willing and able to fight aggressively on your behalf.

What You WON’T Get With New Leaf Family

  • Short-term, generic solutions

We are not fans of cookie-cutter solutions. They don’t work, and they’re not specific to your individual problem. We help you create a personalized solution for now and years to come.

  • Judgment

No one gets married thinking that their marriage will fail, but sometimes things don’t work out the way we planned. You can rest assured that with New Leaf Family, you will receive no judgment. While divorce was once a taboo topic, it’s a significant and necessary process for you to move forward with your life. All you will receive from us is support and understanding.

  • Billable hours

Many attorneys don’t avoid unnecessary conflict because it allows them the opportunity to charge clients more for their time; the case drags on, or goes to court, and the client pays more, when it likely could have been avoided by an attorney who really cares about the clients’ best interests. At New Leaf Family, our Louisville divorce lawyers offer monthly predictable fees so you can cut down on financial stress. The vast majority of family law firms in Colorado do billable hours; we’re unique.

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce In Colorado

  1. Can I handle my divorce myself?

You can, but it isn’t recommended. Though it might be cheaper and more convenient, do-it-yourself divorce templates often lack key components to make them legally compliant. Forgoing professional help in favor of a DIY divorce can lead to costly mistakes that you will eventually pay for.

  1. How much will my divorce cost?

Again, while there isn’t one set cost for divorce, New Leaf Family is different from most family law firms in that we’ve completely eliminated the “billable hour,” as we believe that it prioritizes a lawyer’s pockets over a client’s needs. We provide predictable set-rate monthly billing. We tell our clients from the beginning which of four levels of complexity their case falls into and how much that level costs. It is the same amount each month, regardless of the level of activity for that time frame.

  1. What if my spouse doesn’t want to get divorced?

Fortunately, it only takes one spouse to obtain a divorce in Colorado. You do not have to have your spouse’s approval, and if they refuse to sign divorce papers, it will not hold up the process.

Call New Leaf Family Today!

Ready to take your next steps? Call now to schedule a free initial case evaluation with one of our Louisville divorce lawyers. We are looking forward to explaining your legal options and addressing your questions.

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