School’s Out For Summer: Navigating Parenting Time During The Upcoming Break

As school wraps up and summer swiftly approaches, families everywhere are preparing for a shift in routine. For divorced co-parents, this time of year can be just as tricky as the holidays, but still present its own set of unique challenges. Navigating parenting time during the summer requires careful consideration and planning.

This blog aims to shed light on some of the practical tips and strategies that co-parents can use to keep a cool summer from becoming a cruel summer. Let’s dive in!

How Does Custody Work In Colorado?

Before we discuss some of the different aspects of co-parenting during the summertime, let’s first discuss how custody works in Colorado. First it should be noted that the terms “visitation” and “custody” were changed in the 1990s. “Visitation” became “parenting time” and “custody” became “parental responsibilities.”

There are two types of parental responsibilities in Colorado: parenting time, and decision-making. Parenting time refers to who the children live with most of the time and how often they see the other parent. Decision-making refers to how parents decide to share the responsibility of making important choices when it comes to their children’s lives, specifically their education, healthcare, religious upbringing, etc.

Together, Colorado parents can create a parenting plan, which is a mandatory mediation session where parents agree on parental responsibilities. When parents are able to work on this plan collaboratively it’s usually approved easily by the court. If parents cannot see eye to eye on parental responsibilities, a judge will be the one to make the final call on the arrangement.

Coordinating Parenting Time

Coordinating parenting time, formerly known as visitation, can be difficult to do, even if you’re on the best of terms with your co-parent. It’s likely that you both want to spend as much time with your child as possible, so the idea of having less than you do now can bring up feelings of frustration and even resentment. It’s important to recognize that in a situation like this, acknowledging that what’s best for your child is top priority can help ease tension and foster cooperation with your co-parent. Consider the following tips to help you navigate the coordination of parenting time in the summer:

  • Have An Open & Consistent Dialogue

Effective communication is the pillar of effective co-parenting, and it increases your child’s well-being. Even though you’re no longer married, you can still work as a team to provide your child with the best possible summer break. By having open and consistent dialogue with your co-parent, you can discuss expectations, preferences, concerns, and more regarding the upcoming season. Communication also allows you to discuss the well-being of your child, how they’re adjusting to this transition, whether there are any health concerns, changes in behavior, or something else.

  • Be Flexible

At one point or another, circumstances for you, your co-parent, or your child might shift, requiring you to adapt to these changes. Whether it’s a job change, schedule conflict, or a special event for your child, like a friend’s pool party, or summer camp, being flexible and willing to make adjustments to your parenting time or decision-making is key to ensuring your child’s needs are always met.

  • Create A Summer Schedule In Advance

Creating a summer schedule in advance is another way to help ease the seasonal transition for your entire family. Don’t let these next few months sneak up on you, or you might find yourself having to be a little more flexible than you’d like to be. Discuss things like vacations, holidays, and special activities in advance. Decide whether there are some events you and your co-parent will share together with your child, or if this year one parent will get certain holidays and next year the other will alternate.

You can even take advantage of online tools like Our Family Wizard, or Custody X Change, which can help you create a schedule, communicate plans, and more. Having a clear plan in advance can keep everyone on the same page and help reduce potential conflict later on.

  • Prioritize Quality Time

It’s imperative that you make an effort to prioritize quality time over the quantity of time. Remember that parenting time is not a competition with your other co-parent. It isn’t about having the most time with your child, but having the best time with your child when it’s your turn. This will better your relationship with them, but also help keep the peace between you and your co-parent.

  • Resolve Disputes Amicably

Even if your divorce was amicable, and you and your co-parent worked closely to create a parenting plan you both agreed on, a dispute will likely still occur at some point in time. How you handle that dispute is what will determine the impact it has on your child, as well as the relationship you have with your co-parent. Doing your best to separate your emotions from the issue at hand is something you’ll never regret doing for the sake of your kid.

Supporting Your Child’s Emotional Needs

In addition to the previously mentioned tips, perhaps the most important aspect of navigating parenting time is supporting your child’s emotional needs. Divorce is understandably challenging for both you and your co-parent, but it’s likely just as hard, if not harder, on your child. Several aspects of their lives are changing, from their routine to their living arrangements, and from their friendships to their daily activities.

The school year is something that provides your child with consistency and stability. Though they’re probably thrilled about their upcoming break, the summer season lacks the structure that school provides, and it can be challenging for your child to adapt. Being there for reassurance can support their emotional well-being and strengthen your relationship.

How New Leaf Family Can Help You

If you’re getting divorced and need assistance creating a parenting plan, New Leaf Family is here to help you reach your ideal outcome for your family! We understand how personal and sensitive matters relating to your children are. You can trust that we will do everything we can to simplify the custody process and help you gain peace of mind regarding your family’s future. Call now to schedule a free initial case evaluation and discover if New Leaf Family is the right fit for yours!