From Refugee Of War-Torn Bosnia To Champion Of The Voiceless: The Journey Of One Of New Leaf Family's Own

Selena S. Besirevic, one of New Leaf Family law firm’s attorneys, has a story of resilience, determination, and unwavering dedication to justice that our firm is proud to share.

Born in Bosnia, Selena and her family fled to the United States in 1995 to escape the horrors of genocide. As a 13-year-old refugee, it didn’t take long for Selena to realize the stark differences and similarities between her former residence in Bosnia and her new home in America.

Selena found herself mesmerized by the law and order in her new country—a significant contrast to the chaos she had once known. This fascination would grow into a lifelong commitment to the legal field, but there were still a few things standing in her way.

In Bosnia, Selena spoke the language, but she didn’t have a voice. In the U.S., she finally had a voice, but as a refugee navigating a new culture, she struggled to use it due to her language barrier. Even with the opportunity to pursue the “American dream,” she still felt different. She still spoke a different language, still had a different accent. She was all too familiar with what it was like to be marginalized and overlooked. These challenges sparked her passion for advocating for those who were voiceless.

“My parents were chemical engineers, my brother was an aerospace engineer, and I just went into law, so my passion for law doesn’t come from a family background; no one really instilled that in me. It truly has everything to do with being a refugee and noticing that I wasn’t the only one who’s experienced not having a voice,” says Selena.

Selena’s Call To Family Law

Selena credits her time as a refugee as the foundation of her deep empathy for others in similar situations. This empathy ignited her passion for bringing justice to unjust matters. She found her calling in family law, where she could advocate for those who’ve been stripped of their voices, especially the true victims in a divorce: children. "Is there anyone more voiceless in a divorce than kids? No one hears them, courts aren’t even allowed to hear them," she says.

Selena reflects on her first client who walked into the office and hugged her once the case was settled. She remembers the little girl looking up at her and saying, “Thank you, I get to go to my mom’s house now.” The feeling of “I did that” is what Selena says reinforces her dedication to her work. It’s moments like that when she truly recognizes the impact her advocacy has.

With the good, however, comes the bad, like having to take the job home with you.

“There are a lot of times where you just can’t shake off some of the cases. It’s so unfair what happens to these kids, and there’s not always something you can do about it. There’s a dark side of family law because there’s nothing more personal to people than their kids, their livelihood, their finances… all of that changes during divorce and similar situations. But the percentage of people I do get to help and be their voice, it’s an unexplainable feeling,” says Besirevic.

She also recognizes that her ability to have a positive impact on someone’s life for years to come is a huge responsibility.

Selena remarked on how delicate family law matters truly are: "Divorce wasn’t always considered trauma, but it is, especially for children. Family law attorneys should be trained in how to handle trauma.” Selena believes wholeheartedly that attorneys need to be better equipped to handle the real issues in family law cases. She has seen her fair share of situations where attorneys focus solely on billable hours to the clients' detriment, sometimes even dishonestly rather than caring about the clients' actual needs. That's why she is passionate about being honest, particularly when kids are involved, because of the hand attorneys have in how their future plays out.

Selena’s Time With New Leaf Family

Because Selena cares so much about helping families and kids through some of life's most difficult transitions, it was only natural that she found her professional home at New Leaf Family, a place where her values and sentiments of how family law should be handled are mirrored. This common ground has inspired her to excel in her mission of giving a voice to the voiceless.

Selena began her career at the firm in July of 2022, and until then, she had only worked with firms that billed by the hour. One of New Leaf Family’s core premises is eliminating the billable hour. Instead, the firm focuses on predictable set-rate monthly billing because it’s what’s best for the client.

“I’ve had other (billable) jobs before, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that I am the best attorney I’ve ever been in my career at this firm, a portion of which I attribute to not having billable hours. Whether I sit with my client for 10 hours or 1, they’re going to be billed the same.”

Selena says that operating this way makes her a better attorney and strengthens the quality of work she’s able to provide to each client.

Today’s Success

This year, Selena has been chosen for the Top 10 Under 40 Attorney Award for Colorado. This award comes from the National Academy of Family Law Attorneys, and it’s Selena’s second time receiving the accolade. In addition, she was selected for the Super Lawyers® Rising Stars list for the fourth year in a row.

“I’ve gotten these awards before, but for some reason, they mean so much more having earned them with New Leaf Family. Here, I’ve been able to focus on being the best attorney possible, and not on what I can earn for the firm.”

How New Leaf Family Can Help You

If you’re in need of assistance with divorce, custody, or other family law-related matters, the team at New Leaf Family, including Selena, are here for you. We want to help empower you to make the best decisions for yourself and your family. Call now to schedule a free initial case evaluation, where we can explain your legal options, address your questions, and create a strategy tailored to your unique situation.